The Lightness of my Views

Everything from books to art to travel to random views! A melange of my journies!

Friday, February 20, 2015

A poem called The Book Thief ~

Life is often just vignettes,
of colour, silence
and broken shadows.

Death comes 
as black emaciated spots 
on white snow:
blood strained dark, often
bodies bereft of blood.

Hearts save stories
from the freezing hell of nothing
for a kiss of redemption,
not knowing that 
dreams die first. 

Refugees from life
find their sun with tangled tails      
on musty damp walls -
they survive in the eyes of innocents 
being charred alive. 

And off-kilter music fills caverns,
as broken notes join hearts,
& humans find beasts in themselves -
and kindness finds

And people like us, 
blessed with breath,
orphans to ourselves, 
see losses in our riches &
death in every spurt of blood. 

And the magicians of survival,
obstinate to give,
faithful to the air,
sisters of flowers,
the reason itself for life's creation. 

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