The Lightness of my Views

Everything from books to art to travel to random views! A melange of my journies!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Baby ~

I can scarecely belief that that malleable piece of clay-like material, fragrant to smell, tender to touch, with slits instead of eyes, a pink slash instead of a mouth...could one day burst into a kaleidoscope of such incredible effulgence, throwing colour and life with such abandon. 

It seemed like yesterday. She was like a packet of wafers - light, delicate, breakable.  But suddenly today she is like a svelte gazelle, doe-eyed, full of untold grace, and a gaze which is full of giving and embrace. But which says -Dad, it's time.

Come, my lovely baby, for you will always be that, come once more into my arms, the way you did when you fitted full in what once was a large circle. This one time, the last one, before you find your way into stranger-circumferences, which you will learn to call your own, your life. 

Life is so full of surprises which catch your breath, right under your noses, before you realize what has happened. And then, there are those times when nothing makes sense, not the most mundane of things like growing up, not the fact that daughters marry, they leave, and they leave emptinesses. And this girl, who fills my life like no one else, is now just like air, evanescent, fleeting, mine, not mine, here - and then gone. 

Everything goes, everything. But when my girl leaves, it will be like a world which leaves my world, and nothing seems to matter any longer~

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